Steve McIntyre
2024-07-13 23:50:01 UTC
demonstrate exactly what you're getting please?
Package: debian-live-12.6.0-amd64-gnome.iso.torrent
Version: 12.6
Debian 12.6 amd64 gnome live iso (downloaded as torrent with 2 different clients, tixati and trasnmission) produces a different sha256sum than the one privided in the list of sha256sums in the same directory.
I've just tested this right now and don't see any problem. Can youVersion: 12.6
Debian 12.6 amd64 gnome live iso (downloaded as torrent with 2 different clients, tixati and trasnmission) produces a different sha256sum than the one privided in the list of sha256sums in the same directory.
demonstrate exactly what you're getting please?
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. ***
"Further comment on how I feel about IBM will appear once I've worked out
whether they're being malicious or incompetent. Capital letters are forecast."
Matthew Garrett,
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. ***
"Further comment on how I feel about IBM will appear once I've worked out
whether they're being malicious or incompetent. Capital letters are forecast."
Matthew Garrett,