Roland Clobus
2024-06-23 09:40:01 UTC
Hello Steve, list,
Since the Minidebconf in Hamburg earlier this year, the support for
arm64 in the Debian live images has seen a lot of progress.
Together with Emanuele Rocca, I was able to to confirm that live images
that are built natively on arm64 contain the same as the cross-built
live images from amd64. Additionally some of the bug reports that we
created have been resolved since then.
From my point of view, the weekly image building (organised in
live-setup) can be extended to include arm64 was well [1].
I could prepare a MR, but need a bit more info:
How are the non-amd64 images (e.g the current netinst-images) created?
Are they the result of a cross-build, or are they natively generated on
other hosts?
The latest gnome image took 3 hours according to the log [2].
The cross-build on my computer take 6 to 10 times as much computing
time, so that might be considered.
(I've already identified one cause, which I intend to remove later)
If they are cross-builds, perhaps it would be wiser to start with one
image at first (e.g. the gnome image) and then set up the openQA testing
chain, before progressing to other variants.
With kind regards,
Roland Clobus
(from 03:12:32 to 06:04:48)
PS: Don't let this delay the focus from the upcoming point releases
planned for next week.
Since the Minidebconf in Hamburg earlier this year, the support for
arm64 in the Debian live images has seen a lot of progress.
Together with Emanuele Rocca, I was able to to confirm that live images
that are built natively on arm64 contain the same as the cross-built
live images from amd64. Additionally some of the bug reports that we
created have been resolved since then.
From my point of view, the weekly image building (organised in
live-setup) can be extended to include arm64 was well [1].
I could prepare a MR, but need a bit more info:
How are the non-amd64 images (e.g the current netinst-images) created?
Are they the result of a cross-build, or are they natively generated on
other hosts?
The latest gnome image took 3 hours according to the log [2].
The cross-build on my computer take 6 to 10 times as much computing
time, so that might be considered.
(I've already identified one cause, which I intend to remove later)
If they are cross-builds, perhaps it would be wiser to start with one
image at first (e.g. the gnome image) and then set up the openQA testing
chain, before progressing to other variants.
With kind regards,
Roland Clobus
(from 03:12:32 to 06:04:48)
PS: Don't let this delay the focus from the upcoming point releases
planned for next week.